Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sunday 20111008

I didn't do a WOD yesterday, but I sure did get a workout in. We drove approximately 90 minutes to the Northern part of the island to hike Tadake Falls. (For reference Ta is the name and dake means falls, so I've been told) As we started out and plunged into the icy water (who would've thought Okinawa, Japan had icy water) and started our trek along the riverbed I found myself feeling guilty for not doing a WOD. We came upon a medium sized pool of water with a small fall after it. Me and a friend passed off our packs to our wives and dove in. We swam across and climbed this small fall to the top. The guilt was starting to fade away. We continued walking, it was fairly easy and that guilt was rapidly returning until I rounded a corner and saw the gigantic falls in front of me. As I started taking pictures, my wife raced off to a path to the top of the falls. Me and the same friend swam across the pool of water to the bottom of the falls. After my wife reached the top we decided to ascend as well. As we started the climb, all thought of guilt from not doing a WOD faded from my mind. I would put it at roughly a 150 ft ascent minimum and quite possibly some of the hardest work I've done in recent history. We had a blast, took some great pictures, and am severely sore today. I also may have injured my foot doing all of this. I am going to see the doctor on Tuesday to see what is causing the severe pain.

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